Tuesday, March 23, 2010

some girls are just so
please go buy a mirror,
stare at it real deep and you will understand.
tell me if you dont have money,
i'll buy you a dozen!
God damm it.
someone dig me out of this bottomless pit.
i just wanna be HAPPY.
to be the benji that smile like everything's perfect.
to laugh from the bottom of my heart.
when can i be back to normal?!
its been mths since im so not myself.

conversation with M over msn,

m: BENJI!chill leh,don't so angry.
Benji: knnbeipcb,i feel like throwing my com down from the 7th floor.
m: Rmb our sushi date,i'll treat you to cheer you up.
Benji: hahaahas,you still remember!
m: Yes!ill treat you to your salmon and buy you your fav tuna,one whole fish!
Benji: LOL!
serious huh,thn your gonna have a whole in your pocket soon!
i'll remember what you told me,dont back out ah!(;

oh,and thanks to Celesta*
for alway listening to my rantings,
even when you have issues yourself.
i have that feeling too,
it's alot for me to take in past few mths.
but your appearance minimise it a ton.
God takes one away and gave a better one(;
rmb,i'm just a phone call away from you too.

heading out for movies.
i'm gonna stone there,
like always.
